UDK 331.5 Рынок труда. Занятость
The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the shortage of personnel in the labor market in recent years. Statistical data are presented by region, by gender type, and by professional structure. The causes, consequences and factors of the labor market deficit that led to the labor crisis at the current stage of economic development are investigated. The dynamics of vacancies and resumes for 2021-2023 has been studied. The demographic pit of 1990-2000 and its impact on the current economy and personnel shortage are described. The impact and risks of staff shortages on the Russian economy are considered. The factors influencing further changes in the market are investigated, as well as forecasts for the current year. The measures of state policy aimed at reducing the personnel deficit are presented.
shortage, personnel, labor force, labor market, vacancies, resume, unemployment, wages, specialists, economy, workers, employers, migration, crisis
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