Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this scientific article, the author provides a comparative analysis of the activities of volunteer organizations in modern Russia. To do this, the author briefly analyzes the current state of volunteer activities in Russia and provides statistical indicators. Next, the author examines the features of the practical activities of volunteer organizations using several specific examples. In conclusion of the scientific research, the author focuses on promising areas for the development of the activities of modern volunteer organizations in Russia. The object of this scientific research is a comparative analysis of the activities of volunteer organizations in modern Russia. The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis of the activities of volunteer organizations in modern Russia. The methods of the presented research: these are normative legal analysis, comparative legal analysis, formal legal method, generalization, systematization, deduction, statistical and mathematical methods, and other methods of the theoretical level of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of this scientific research lies, in particular, in the development of original recommendations for improving the currently available mechanism for organizing the activities of volunteer organizations in modern Russia. This scientific research will be useful for practitioners, students and teachers, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of volunteer activities in modern Russia.

volunteering, charity, volunteer, volunteer organizations, social sphere, comparative characteristics, current state
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