UDK 338.4 Производство продукции и услуг по отраслям народного хозяйства
UDK 338.2 Экономическая политика. Управление и планирование в экономике
A communication strategy is a set of activities aimed at establishing interaction with the target audience, whose main task is to help the company achieve its commercial goals. This is done by the PR department in collaboration with top management and marketers, who analyze the current market situation and determine the most effective ways to deliver information to the consumer. Platforms used may include television advertising, social media posts, YouTube videos, and other media formats. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to study the concept of a communication strategy for the implementation of a “supermarket” format food retail enterprise in Russia. Research methods include methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and specification, economic and statistical analysis, empirical and graphical methods for analyzing the development of e-commerce. Results. For a communication strategy to be as effective as possible, an enterprise needs to clearly define a number of tasks that it should help solve.
retail, communication strategy, grocery retail, retail chain, digital technologies, supermarket
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