Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The implementation of the national project of the Russian Federation entitled "Housing and Urban Environment" has played a key role in the development of urban development activities throughout the country. Within the framework of this project, measures have been taken for the integrated development of territories, including spatial modeling and effective use of land plots and capital construction facilities, which has led to an increase in the volume of construction of facilities for various purposes. Modern cities and agglomerations have faced an increase in population density, which has led to an increase in the number of cars and traffic difficulties such as "traffic jams" and congestion. This is especially true for the Moscow region, in-cluding the Moscow Region and the city of Moscow. The solution to this problem is connected with the need to develop transport infrastructure and build new roads and motorways. When purchasing real estate by both large developers and citizens, it is im-portant to take into account the infrastructure of the area and its opportunities for future development, since these factors determine the value of real estate. Currently, buyers have to search for information from several sources in order to assess the prospects and profitability of real estate investments. Transport infrastructure plays a significant role in the economic development of the country. The term "transport infrastructure" covers the existing transport network used for the movement of people and the delivery of goods, including various nodes and their interconnections.

spatial modeling, geoinformation systems, transport infrastructure, road network, strategy for the development of the transport system, transport hubs, transport maps, Unified electronic cartographic framework, Prospects for the development of the transport infrastructure of the Moscow region
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