Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the digital tools market in the field of construction. As part of the study, the authors identified key innovative solutions, assessed the degree of their implementation into the internal processes of construction organizations, and identified trends in the development of the construction sector when integrating digital solutions. In addition, the article examines the main trends in the field of digital tools, analyzes the advantages in the field of their use by construction companies with further forecasting of the future development of the digital sector. The analysis is aimed at providing detailed statistical data on the degree of implementation of digital solutions, on the volume of the market and their relevance in these conditions. The materials presented in the publication will allow you to get an idea of the transformation of investment and construction processes during the introduction of digital tools and assess the effect of their use. The results of the study demonstrate that despite the traditional lag in the construction sector in the field of digital solutions, the Russian market has significant potential and shows positive dynamics in the development of digital tools.

digital tools, construction, BIM technologies, digitalization, cloud technologies
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