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Abstract (English):
The agro-industrial complex of the Leningrad Region is a traditional sector of the economy in the North-Western District; it plays one of the leading roles in providing the country as a whole and individual industries in particular with raw materials and finished products. To ensure the economic security of the country, agriculture plays a huge role, since it reflects the state of food security of the state. In this regard, monitoring the state of agriculture is very important, especially in those regions that play a leading role in ensuring it. This is necessary for timely management decisions in the agricultural sector. Moreover, the agro-industrial complex of the Leningrad region is focused primarily on meeting the needs of the population of large settlements, which increases the feasibility of conducting a study of the current situation in the region, which is practically one of the donors in the field of agriculture in the country. Monitoring the situation of agricultural development in the Leningrad region showed that in 2023, within the framework of the agro-industrial complex, the region succeeded, however, high-quality monitoring allows us to state not only the dynamics of development, but also the factors constraining it, and their neutralization will accelerate development in this direction. The purpose of the study is to analyze and assess the current situation in the agro-industrial complex industry in the Leningrad region, as well as to study future prospects for its development. The problem of the research is that without a systematic and constant study of the situation in the agricultural sector, it will be difficult to build a strategy for its development and ensure the economic security of the country, since it must be based on its results corresponding to the realities of today's development of the country's agriculture, as well as the world economy The methodology of the review study presented in the article is based on a systems approach and includes: synthesis, analysis, systematization, descriptive method, comparison, as well as a graphical method for visualizing quantitative data and their dynamics. Results of the analysis: assessment of the current situation in the agro-industrial complex and identification of key areas, study of forecasts, analysis of the state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

agricultural economics, agricultural development, agriculture of the Leningrad region, state support for agriculture, agro-industrial complex, livestock farming, crop production, fishing
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