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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the impact of information technology (IT) costs on the activities of large companies, in particular, using the example of PJSC Sberbank. An analysis of financial statements, data from surveys of managers and employees of these companies, expert interviews with representatives of IT companies, statistical and comparative analysis are carried out. The results of the study are a high positive correlation between IT expenses and Sberbank’s net profit, identified using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman correlation coefficient. A linear regression model was also built, which shows that with an increase in IT costs by 1 billion rubles, net profit is expected to increase by approximately 4.63 billion rubles. (assuming that other factors affecting profit remain constant). The article concludes that investments in IT can contribute to the growth of net profits of large companies, but it is necessary to take into account other factors affecting financial results. Based on the results of the study, it was revealed that paying special attention to development and implementation, regularly modernizing, ensuring uninterrupted operation and regularly training employees to work with information systems is an important indicator of positive financial performance of companies.

IT, Sberbank, financial indicators, statistics, economics, management, investments
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