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Abstract (English):
The development of a city is closely related to the state of its transport system and the spatial organization of urban public transport. In general, a number of transport problems can be noted for the city related to the waiting time for transport, the provision of various areas with urban public transport routes, etc. These problems have become particularly relevant in the 21st century and have become very actively discussed. The article is devoted to the analysis of the route network of the city of Barnaul, as well as the number of rolling stock on the routes. Particular attention is paid to routes where there is a shortage of rolling stock. The purpose of the work is to analyze the current state of the route network of the city of Barnaul and identify problems. The main methods were literature analysis, as well as monitoring public transport using the 2GIS service. In general, it can be noted that the city’s public transport runs stably and interruptions occur due to weather conditions (in particular freezing) or traffic situations (congestion in the morning and evening); there is also a dependence of preferential traffic to the city center and from the city center to depending on the time of day.

transport, transport system, public transport, rolling stock, route network, transport characteristics
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