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Abstract (English):
The article addresses world trade’s global trends related to the increasing role of technology under the transition to a new technological way. Meanwhile, technology-intensive segments of global value chains generate high value-added and play a strategic role in entering new markets today. This situation creates challenges and risks for Russian companies in the context of their participation in GVCs. The article notes the high degree of digital and technological dependence on foreign partners. The problem of the widening of the digital divide is analyzed. The article highlight the following key sources of external challenges facing national companies: the concentration of control over digital and technological GVCs in the hands of several market “giants”, as well as and the wide use of competition-distorting practices aimed to conquer the most profitable segments of the GVC. Western countries are increasingly resorting to such practices, including as part of their sanctions polic. In some cases, these countries justify their measures on national security grounds, “tailoring” them to respective exceptions to the rules of the World Trade Organization. The article also explores other tools used by Western countries with a view to legitimize the measures they take to “redivide” the high-tech market and/or maintain leading positions in it. Large-scale import-substituting subsidies for technological development are the example. Taking into account the identified challenges and threats, the article provides for possible directions for increasing the efficiency of participation of Russian companies in the GVCs and thus achieving the long-term task of strengthening the global competitiveness of the Russian economy.

technology, global value chains, international cooperation, international competitiveness
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