Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper analyzed the problems that arise when registering unclaimed land shares, and also proposed rational options for solving them. Currently, in modern agricultural land use, the process of involving unclaimed land shares into agricultural circulation has been going on for more than 10 years. We are talking about the “work” carried out by local government bodies together with the courts to transfer into the ownership of municipalities land shares that were allocated to employees of agricultural enterprises during the land reform, but which, due to certain circumstances, did not dispose of them. The current mechanism for the circulation and use of agricultural land is aimed at stimulating participants in shared ownership to transfer such lands to efficient agricultural producers, or to allocate a plot of land to them for agricultural production. In our opinion, the procedure for allocating a land plot is aimed at providing land to the most efficient land users, that is, those persons who will use agricultural land more efficiently and rationally.

agricultural lands, involvement in turnover, land share, food security, municipalities, property, land plots
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