Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Recently, the widespread digitalization of society and the development of the creative economy have led to changes in the structure and value of the goods and services provided. The basis of the creative economy is innovation. To create any new ideas, it is necessary to use a non-standard approach and solutions. The development of creative industries, in turn, has a beneficial effect on economic growth and raises the interaction between consumers and producers to a new level. Creative technologies in tourism are a relatively new direction, as they focus on unique and unusual forms of travel and entertainment. The article discusses the main forms and directions of creative tourism, and also focuses on cultural features that may also interest and attract tourists. The basis for the development of creative tourism on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan is the tourism and recreational potential, which makes it possible to organize completely new routes and fully reflect the rich culture of the republic. Also, the development of creative industries, combined with its potential, will have a beneficial effect on the development of local crafts and deeper mutual understanding and respect for culture and traditions. The article analyzes the tourism and recreational potential using the scoring method of Yu.A. Khudenkikh and assesses the degree of his influence on the development of creative tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan. An analysis is given of existing events that can have an impact and attract new tourists to the territory of the republic.

creative tourism, tourist and recreational potential, creative economy, traditions, culture
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