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Abstract (English):
The article examines modern approaches to planning academic classes in economics for students studying this subject within the framework of non-core specialties. In the modern educational context, where students have a variety of educational foundations and professional interests, it is important to develop learning approaches that will be attractive and effective for a wide range of students. The methods and strategies that make it possible to adapt materials and methods of teaching economics to the needs of students who do not have in-depth knowledge in this field are discussed. Special attention is paid to the use of interactive teaching methods, the involvement of case studies, as well as the integration of modern technologies into the educational process. The results of the study offer teachers and teachers of economics new approaches to the development of programs and organization of classes, contributing to a deeper and more effective mastering of the material by students of non-core specialties.

academic classes, economics, approaches to planning, students, non-core specialties
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