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Abstract (English):
This article examines the issue of adapting HR management models in the context of mining companies in order to stimulate their development. In today's dynamic economic environment, mining companies face a number of challenges that require effective personnel management to ensure competitiveness and sustainable growth. The author analyzes the features of personnel management in the mining industries, highlighting key aspects such as the specifics of the production process, the characteristics of the workforce and the risks associated with occupational safety. Then modern models of personnel management are considered, including approaches to the selection, development and motivation of employees. The concept of adapting these models to the specifics of mining companies, taking into account their unique needs and challenges, is also proposed, which includes the development of specialized training and development programs, the introduction of motivation systems that take into account the dangers and difficulties of the working environment, as well as the creation of flexible management structures for rapid adaptation to changing market conditions. In conclusion, the importance of continuous improvement of human resources management models in mining companies in a rapidly changing economic environment is emphasized, which will allow them not only to survive, but also to thrive in modern competitive conditions.

human resources management, mining industry, adaptation, enterprises, development, stimulation
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