Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper discusses a method for obtaining a digital terrain model when designing the routes of a linear object (oil pipeline) using a specific example. The relevance of the topic and the current state of the issue being studied are indicated. The sequence of work is described and the necessary equipment is provided. The purpose of the research is to study the means and techniques for creating a digital terrain model (DTM). Creating digital terrain models involves converting cartographic information from analogue to digital form. The digital form of storage on electronic media is currently more progressive. It allows you to quickly record and enter into a digital model changes that have occurred on the ground, as well as automate many processes of topographic and geodetic production. Due to the availability of fast computer processing of huge amounts of data, the task of creating a digital model as close to reality as possible becomes feasible. A digital terrain model (DTM) consists of a digital terrain model (DEM) and a digital situation model (DSM). The studies have developed a sequence for compiling a digital terrain model using a specific example, which will reduce the cost and time for work, increase the information content of the materials.

digital terrain model, geoinformation systems, route design
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