Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of modern approaches to increasing the efficiency of business processes and their automation in a company. As an example, the Precise Instructions For Employee To Follow methodology, compiled in the practical activities of the author of this study, is given - “precise instructions that an employee must follow,” or PIEF. The views of modern authors on solving problems of increasing the efficiency of business processes and their automation are systematized. The necessity of organizing labor processes (labor) in a company is substantiated as a primary factor in increasing the efficiency of business processes. The significant role of precise, simple and accessible instructions in the quality organization of personnel work is highlighted. The potential benefits are analyzed, including: reduction of losses and downtime due to clear regulation of actions; accessibility of the activity and its phased nature; maintaining the creative functions of employees; focus on a specific goal. The effectiveness of applying the author's methodology in the tasks of the international wholesale trade business is emphasized, since PIEF allows you to implement with high efficiency the entire range of typical tasks that arise in the activities of a wholesale trade enterprise.

increasing the efficiency of business processes, performance management methodologies, business automation, personnel optimization, routine operations, managerial activities
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