Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Regional agro-food systems are important components of the national economic complex, ensuring the country's food security, development of rural areas, and improving the level and quality of life of the population. In modern conditions, government programs are becoming the main tool for strategic planning of industries, regions and the national economic system as a whole. The new system for managing state programs, approved in 2021, is aimed at eliminating many problems in the implementation of the program-target method, in particular, eliminating the ineffective use of budget resources and strengthening interdepartmental interactions. A new approach to the development, monitoring and implementation of state programs in the agro-food sector involves the addition of state programs with a number of parameters aimed at the fullest implementation of Russia’s national development goals. Proposals for improving the state programs of the Saratov region “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Saratov region” and “Integrated development of rural areas” are substantiated. The importance of transforming the redistribution model of financing the regional economy, which creates certain problems for regions when co-financing state programs, is emphasized.

regional agro-food systems, strategic planning, program management, state program, rural areas, trade infrastructure, level and quality of life, food market
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