Russian Federation
The article analyzes the application of the requirements of the customs Union in the construction expertise. Modern highways are the whole complex of the constructions created for implementation of the round-the-clock continuous admission of transport with a certain average speed and loading. Ensuring the necessary characteristics of roads should take place at any time of the year and not be dependent on weather and climatic conditions. The article describes the features of the examination of objects of linear purpose. The main focus of the work of an expert during the construction and examination of the linear facilities including roads, should be to check observance of safety requirements to the alignment of the road. This includes verification of compliance. Application of the specified technical regulations in work of the expert will promote safety requirements at design and construction of linear objects. In the implementation of construction and reconstruction of the linear object is a building permit is a document confirming the compliance of the project documentation requirements established by the project area planning and land surveying project.
Assessment, construction, custom, line features, technology, road infrastructure
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