Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article the directions of search of effective tools for management of credit risk are presented to the organizations. The concept of credit risk for the purpose of its specification was for this purpose studied and also the methodical base for realization of various functions of management of credit risk is created. Authors also developed the scheme for work on management of credit risk in the organization, the complex of tasks, necessary for an effective solution of this problem, is allocated. The methods of credit risk assessment and features of their application are considered.

receivables, credit risk, methodical base, branch risk, estimated indicator, parameters of a business deal, scoring
In article the directions of search of effective tools for management of credit risk are presented to the organizations. The concept of credit risk for the purpose of its specification was for this purpose studied and also the methodical base for realization of various functions of management of credit risk is created. Authors also developed the scheme for work on management of credit risk in the organization, the complex of tasks, necessary for an effective solution of this problem, is allocated. The methods of credit risk assessment and features of their application are considered.

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