Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The terminological analysis of the concept "local statutory act" is presented in article, its value in modern administrative practice is considered. Local regulations on the legal platform, along with attraction of knowledge in the field of the public and corporate management, human resource management, personnel and traditional office-work are considered. Terminological sources and the available definitions of the local statutory act are analysed, the working definition which is based on crossing of office work and legal aspects of this phenomenon is offered; the history of origin of local regulations is tracked. The concept "act" as a type of the document applied in various fields of activity is considered. The concept of "act" from a law position is considered. The place of local regulations in the systems of administrative documentation, their role and functional value is defined. It is claimed that local regulations perform specific function of regulation of document processes, hold through position in other systems of administrative documentation.

public administration, local regulatory act, administrative regulation, documentation methods, document flow, management documentation systems, regulatory legal act, legal act of management
The terminological analysis of the concept "local statutory act" is presented in article, its value in modern administrative practice is considered. Local regulations on the legal platform, along with attraction of knowledge in the field of the public and corporate management, human resource management, personnel and traditional office-work are considered. Terminological sources and the available definitions of the local statutory act are analysed, the working definition which is based on crossing of office work and legal aspects of this phenomenon is offered; the history of origin of local regulations is tracked. The concept "act" as a type of the document applied in various fields of activity is considered. The concept of "act" from a law position is considered. The place of local regulations in the systems of administrative documentation, their role and functional value is defined. It is claimed that local regulations perform specific function of regulation of document processes, hold through position in other systems of administrative documentation.

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