Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Author's approaches and views of the existing problems in the field of formalization of assessment procedure of competitiveness of results of activity of the companies (developers) focused on a multiproduct portfolio and versatility of the directions of functioning in modern conditions of limitation of consumer demand in primary housing market are presented in article. The received formalized models of a clustering of assessment procedure of competitiveness of the developer allow for the set ranges to define a vector of search of the directions of improving competitiveness of the participant of commodity market (works, services) of an investment and construction complex.

competitiveness, competition, competitiveness of the construction enterprise, competitiveness methods
Author's approaches and views of the existing problems in the field of formalization of assessment procedure of competitiveness of results of activity of the companies (developers) focused on a multiproduct portfolio and versatility of the directions of functioning in modern conditions of limitation of consumer demand in primary housing market are presented in article. The received formalized models of a clustering of assessment procedure of competitiveness of the developer allow for the set ranges to define a vector of search of the directions of improving competitiveness of the participant of commodity market (works, services) of an investment and construction complex.

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