Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently, innovation is important for the development of the enterprise and the economy as a whole. Special attention should also be paid to the organization of innovative activity of the enterprise. The article provides an analysis of the main forms of innovation. Based on the selected forms, the tasks of each of them are described. The study of the organization of innovation is also impossible without the allocation of the mechanisms used to determine their essence. As a result, the author defined the role of the organization of innovative activity of the enterprise.

innovation, innovation, creation, absorption, isolation, innovative integration
Currently, innovation is important for the development of the enterprise and the economy as a whole. Special attention should also be paid to the organization of innovative activity of the enterprise. The article provides an analysis of the main forms of innovation. Based on the selected forms, the tasks of each of them are described. The study of the organization of innovation is also impossible without the allocation of the mechanisms used to determine their essence. As a result, the author defined the role of the organization of innovative activity of the enterprise.

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