Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the environmental system of agricultural land assessment, using GIS technologies, which allows to monitor the changes in the situation on the ground, quickly and reliably calculate the price of land. Today, creation of methodical base of agroecologically reasonable land management design, is a link between monitoring of lands and the organization of their rational use. The solution of these questions in modern conditions is possible by means of application of technologies of systems of CAD, GIS, and it, in turn, leads to reliability of land appraisal works, development of scientifically-proved land management projects, increase of efficiency of economic activity of the enterprises of agro-industrial complex.

sel'skhozyaystvennye zemli, ocenka zemel', geoinformacionnye tehnologii, agroekologizaciya, zemleprigodnost'
The article deals with the environmental system of agricultural land assessment, using GIS technologies, which allows to monitor the changes in the situation on the ground, quickly and reliably calculate the price of land. Today, creation of methodical base of agroecologically reasonable land management design, is a link between monitoring of lands and the organization of their rational use. The solution of these questions in modern conditions is possible by means of application of technologies of systems of CAD, GIS, and it, in turn, leads to reliability of land appraisal works, development of scientifically-proved land management projects, increase of efficiency of economic activity of the enterprises of agro-industrial complex.

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