Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper provides an overview of the principles of the digital economy: digitized information, hypertrophied income growth, new industrial production models. The distinctive features of the concept of the digital economy from the preceding concepts have been identified, even though the previous concepts have made progress in the field of electrical engineering, energy, information technology, transport and telecommunications. The Two-Sided Markets business model with network effects is considered. In a business model, one side of the market consists of consumers who receive a service, the other side is an agent who provides services to consumers.

network economy, digital economy, two-sided markets
The paper provides an overview of the principles of the digital economy: digitized information, hypertrophied income growth, new industrial production models. The distinctive features of the concept of the digital economy from the preceding concepts have been identified, even though the previous concepts have made progress in the field of electrical engineering, energy, information technology, transport and telecommunications. The Two-Sided Markets business model with network effects is considered. In a business model, one side of the market consists of consumers who receive a service, the other side is an agent who provides services to consumers.

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