Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the situation in the market of pulp and paper industry in Vietnam, where the strengths and weaknesses of competitive advantages of the pulp and paper industry in Vietnam on the world stage were identified. The statistical data provided by the pulp and paper Association of Vietnam are analyzed. The leading players of this market, such as the Corporation "tan May", are considered. The priority goals for the development of the pulp and paper industry of Vietnam according to the plan of the Ministry of industry and trade of Vietnam to improve competitiveness are identified.

pulp and paper industry, competitiveness, improving competitiveness, enterprise, import, export, Vietnam
The article deals with the situation in the market of pulp and paper industry in Vietnam, where the strengths and weaknesses of competitive advantages of the pulp and paper industry in Vietnam on the world stage were identified. The statistical data provided by the pulp and paper Association of Vietnam are analyzed. The leading players of this market, such as the Corporation "tan May", are considered. The priority goals for the development of the pulp and paper industry of Vietnam according to the plan of the Ministry of industry and trade of Vietnam to improve competitiveness are identified.

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