Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Sustainable and uninterrupted food supply of the population is largely determined by the development of a multi-structured sphere of agribusiness, for the harmonious functioning of which a balance of large and small business structures is necessary. Subjects of small agricultural business are in the most vulnerable group, they are subject to the influence of economic and market turbulence. At the same time, the dependence of rural areas and their population on the development of the small agribusiness sector, which is a stabilizing factor, draws attention to itself. This makes it possible from a systemic position to argue the vital need to support small businesses to ensure the socio-economic viability of the rural continuum and the food supply sector. In this regard, the author reviewed the problems of formation and functioning of small agribusiness structures and proposed a number of ways to eliminate them.

small agribusiness, problems of formation, development, economic crisis, economic problems, food supply
Sustainable and uninterrupted food supply of the population is largely determined by the development of a multi-structured sphere of agribusiness, for the harmonious functioning of which a balance of large and small business structures is necessary. Subjects of small agricultural business are in the most vulnerable group, they are subject to the influence of economic and market turbulence. At the same time, the dependence of rural areas and their population on the development of the small agribusiness sector, which is a stabilizing factor, draws attention to itself. This makes it possible from a systemic position to argue the vital need to support small businesses to ensure the socio-economic viability of the rural continuum and the food supply sector. In this regard, the author reviewed the problems of formation and functioning of small agribusiness structures and proposed a number of ways to eliminate them.

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