Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Information acceleration occurs in all sectors of high-tech business. Given the scale of the changes that have occurred over the past decade and a half, the cross-influence of different technologies on each other, it is expected that the pace of these changes will increase in the future. Exponential technologies and exponential organizations have emerged as an adaptive business response to the new unstable digital world of VUCA, in which the speed of the ongoing changes forces companies to constantly grow and change business not just quickly, but very quickly. Fast-growing high-tech companies are successfully developing, however, the term "exponential organization" has not yet received wide circulation in the economic literature. This makes it relevant to study the nature of exponential technologies and organizations and an understanding of the experience and success factors of fast-growing high-tech companies that have taken the path of exponential development.

high-tech business, digital economy, exponential organizations, exponential technologies, high technologies, key technologies, economic growth
Information acceleration occurs in all sectors of high-tech business. Given the scale of the changes that have occurred over the past decade and a half, the cross-influence of different technologies on each other, it is expected that the pace of these changes will increase in the future. Exponential technologies and exponential organizations have emerged as an adaptive business response to the new unstable digital world of VUCA, in which the speed of the ongoing changes forces companies to constantly grow and change business not just quickly, but very quickly. Fast-growing high-tech companies are successfully developing, however, the term "exponential organization" has not yet received wide circulation in the economic literature. This makes it relevant to study the nature of exponential technologies and organizations and an understanding of the experience and success factors of fast-growing high-tech companies that have taken the path of exponential development.

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