Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In order to strengthen the value of local governments in the implementation of state policy in accordance with the Federal Law "On the general principles of local government in the Russian Federation", the right is granted to empower local governments with separate powers in accordance with a specific vesting procedure. On this basis, one can single out 53 powers exercised by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Enumerated powers include issues directly related to the livelihoods of the population. However, among them, as well as in chapter three, devoted to issues of local self-government, there are no questions about labor or about labor protection. Considering this problem, in this article the author analyzes the powers of self-government bodies in the process of labor protection.

labor protection, local governments, labor legislation, safety of workers, municipalities
In order to strengthen the value of local governments in the implementation of state policy in accordance with the Federal Law "On the general principles of local government in the Russian Federation", the right is granted to empower local governments with separate powers in accordance with a specific vesting procedure. On this basis, one can single out 53 powers exercised by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Enumerated powers include issues directly related to the livelihoods of the population. However, among them, as well as in chapter three, devoted to issues of local self-government, there are no questions about labor or about labor protection. Considering this problem, in this article the author analyzes the powers of self-government bodies in the process of labor protection.

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