Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes state and municipal procurement for services in the field of land management and cadastral activities of the Komi Republic under Federal law 44/94 and Federal law 223. In the conducted research, services were considered that have the following code in a single information system in the field of procurement: « Cadastral services», « Land management services». The analysis of various indicators of government procurement is carried out, statistical data are provided and an assessment of the received results is given. A number of positive and negative features characterizing the government and municipal procurement for services in the field of land management and cadastral activities in the Komi Republic are highlighted.

Government and municipal procurement, land management, cadastral activity, Komi Republic
The article analyzes state and municipal procurement for services in the field of land management and cadastral activities of the Komi Republic under Federal law 44/94 and Federal law 223. In the conducted research, services were considered that have the following code in a single information system in the field of procurement: « Cadastral services», « Land management services». The analysis of various indicators of government procurement is carried out, statistical data are provided and an assessment of the received results is given. A number of positive and negative features characterizing the government and municipal procurement for services in the field of land management and cadastral activities in the Komi Republic are highlighted.

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