Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current pace of growth of the urban population force humanity to expand their territory to create promagroservice, to build on the free development of the territory of new buildings to a comfortable existence. All this leads to an intensive increase in demand for building materials, and, as you know, an increase in demand entails an increase in supply. Thus, in Russia and in the world today there is a tendency to increase the production of building materials, which in turn leads to an annual increase in the negative impact of enterprises engaged in the production of building materials on the environment.

ecology, geoecology, structure, ecosystem, development
The current pace of growth of the urban population force humanity to expand their territory to create promagroservice, to build on the free development of the territory of new buildings to a comfortable existence. All this leads to an intensive increase in demand for building materials, and, as you know, an increase in demand entails an increase in supply. Thus, in Russia and in the world today there is a tendency to increase the production of building materials, which in turn leads to an annual increase in the negative impact of enterprises engaged in the production of building materials on the environment.

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