Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article deals with the state, problems and prospects of development of Oriental medicine in the Republic of Buryatia on the example of the center of Oriental medicine - the only state institution in the Russian Federation that specializes in Oriental methods of diagnosis and treatment in a hospital. The empirical base of the article is the departmental reporting data of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Buryatia, the center of Oriental medicine (2015-2017) and the materials of expert interviews with the participation of management and specialists of these institutions (N=20). The aim of the study is to assess the potential of Oriental medicine in the development of the regional economy of the Republic of Buryatia. The competitive advantages of the center of Oriental medicine are revealed, the problems of its functioning are defined. Proposals for state support for the development of the center of Oriental medicine are formulated.
traditional medicine, Oriental medicine, Tibetan medicine, center of Oriental medicine, Republic of Buryatia, regional economy, competitiveness, potential, expert survey, rest, treatment
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