Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
When developing a scientifically based zoning system for land management purposes, it is necessary to study and take into account not only Russian practice, but also foreign experience in zoning territories. It was found that Western zoning systems are primarily systems for planning the development of territories (settlement systems), similar to urban zoning (legal zoning, establishing town planning regulations and territorial zones) and functional division (in the process of territorial planning) in Russia. It is revealed that all systems of zoning of territories abroad can be reduced to two groups - the American and the Western European - which have specific differences from each other. More specifically, the experience is considered on examples of the United States of America (USA), Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan, France, Great Britain and China. In connection with the need to allocate particularly valuable agricultural land, particular attention is paid to the experience of China in zoning agricultural land on the criteria of quality and fertility of land.

territorial zoning, spatial planning, land management, functional zoning, agricultural land, legal regime
When developing a scientifically based zoning system for land management purposes, it is necessary to study and take into account not only Russian practice, but also foreign experience in zoning territories. It was found that Western zoning systems are primarily systems for planning the development of territories (settlement systems), similar to urban zoning (legal zoning, establishing town planning regulations and territorial zones) and functional division (in the process of territorial planning) in Russia. It is revealed that all systems of zoning of territories abroad can be reduced to two groups - the American and the Western European - which have specific differences from each other. More specifically, the experience is considered on examples of the United States of America (USA), Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan, France, Great Britain and China. In connection with the need to allocate particularly valuable agricultural land, particular attention is paid to the experience of China in zoning agricultural land on the criteria of quality and fertility of land.

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