Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of developing a technical project and software documentation for the Agro-Hall internet platform in the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL) have been considered. The purpose of the research was to create conditions for forming an Internet portal, where a user will be able to acquire the fullest information on institutions and organizations in agriculture of the Russian Federation, their activities and information products. The relevance of the work is determined by much information disseminated in different sites and the user’s requirement of organized and processed information. The technical project comprises a description of the Internet portal structure and the content of its sections, software sustaining its operation and formation, query facilities and access conditions. The process of creating an internet platform, works carried out for the purpose of its information filling and maintaining in the current status, selected technical solutions, main problems solved during this process are described. A conclusion is made that the technical project and software documentation allow creating an Internet portal uniting agriculture related information and rapidly acquiring various information on different aspects of the scientific component of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia.

information resources, information service, information support, scientific institutions, Internet-resources, Agro-Industrial Complex, CSAL
The results of developing a technical project and software documentation for the Agro-Hall internet platform in the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL) have been considered. The purpose of the research was to create conditions for forming an Internet portal, where a user will be able to acquire the fullest information on institutions and organizations in agriculture of the Russian Federation, their activities and information products. The relevance of the work is determined by much information disseminated in different sites and the user’s requirement of organized and processed information. The technical project comprises a description of the Internet portal structure and the content of its sections, software sustaining its operation and formation, query facilities and access conditions. The process of creating an internet platform, works carried out for the purpose of its information filling and maintaining in the current status, selected technical solutions, main problems solved during this process are described. A conclusion is made that the technical project and software documentation allow creating an Internet portal uniting agriculture related information and rapidly acquiring various information on different aspects of the scientific component of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia.

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