Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the dynamics of the structure of land resources of the Central Chernozem Region, including agricultural lands. One of characteristic features of the soil covering of the region is defined, i.e. the development of degradation processes (over the past 30-40 years, the area of eroded soils increased by 5-9%). The author places the emphasis on an enduring both in the region and in Russia trend of reduction of lands intended for agricultural production due to their withdrawal from agricultural turnover for construction needs and extention of industrial enterprises, settlements, afforestation, organization of protected environmental zones. The plough-disturbance of agricultural areas of the CChR is significantly higher than federal and district levels. In recent years, in all oblasts of the CChR there has been observed an upward trend of redistribution of lands from the civilian ownership into the corporate, State and municipal ownership. A reduction in the area of unused agricultural lands both in absolute and relative terms is defined. According to National Agricultural Census of 2006 in the oblasts of the Central Chernozem Region in all categories of farms remained unused over 16.7% of agricultural land, in 2016 this indicator decreased to 5.3% (and specifically, in agricultural organizations and in peasant (private) farm holdings it decreased to 5.1% and 2.7%, respectively, whereas in family households it increased to 16.5%). But at the same time, the process of land concentration is registered in all the categories of economic entities in the oblasts of the CChR. An increased concentration of land resources is due to the growth of investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector, and shows the need to strengthen state regulation of land concentration «in the hands» of the largest agro-industrial corporations, as well as to tighten control over monopolization of land market and agricultural commodities market.

land resources, quality of land, dynamics of use, land distribution, land reform, land concentration
The article examines the dynamics of the structure of land resources of the Central Chernozem Region, including agricultural lands. One of characteristic features of the soil covering of the region is defined, i.e. the development of degradation processes (over the past 30-40 years, the area of eroded soils increased by 5-9%). The author places the emphasis on an enduring both in the region and in Russia trend of reduction of lands intended for agricultural production due to their withdrawal from agricultural turnover for construction needs and extention of industrial enterprises, settlements, afforestation, organization of protected environmental zones. The plough-disturbance of agricultural areas of the CChR is significantly higher than federal and district levels. In recent years, in all oblasts of the CChR there has been observed an upward trend of redistribution of lands from the civilian ownership into the corporate, State and municipal ownership. A reduction in the area of unused agricultural lands both in absolute and relative terms is defined. According to National Agricultural Census of 2006 in the oblasts of the Central Chernozem Region in all categories of farms remained unused over 16.7% of agricultural land, in 2016 this indicator decreased to 5.3% (and specifically, in agricultural organizations and in peasant (private) farm holdings it decreased to 5.1% and 2.7%, respectively, whereas in family households it increased to 16.5%). But at the same time, the process of land concentration is registered in all the categories of economic entities in the oblasts of the CChR. An increased concentration of land resources is due to the growth of investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector, and shows the need to strengthen state regulation of land concentration «in the hands» of the largest agro-industrial corporations, as well as to tighten control over monopolization of land market and agricultural commodities market.

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