Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to find a solution to the problem of training bachelor of management in universities from the perspective of an interdisciplinary paradigm. To this end, it is proposed to identify the most important areas for the development of the pedagogical paradigm and to give them characteristics. Secondly, to review and investigate the regulatory document "The National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation" for the period 2000-2015 in order to ensure the continuity of all levels and levels of education. Further, the article raises the question of the inconsistency of the dominant system of planning the educational process in universities, the result of which does not correspond to the practical needs of the labor market. In conclusion, the author talks about the need to observe the continuity of pedagogical scientific traditions and innovations based on proven conceptual approaches and methods of applying pedagogical technologies to specific levels of education.

interdisciplinary paradigm, student-centered approach, key skills, pedagogical techniques, needs of the labor market
The purpose of the article is to find a solution to the problem of training bachelor of management in universities from the perspective of an interdisciplinary paradigm. To this end, it is proposed to identify the most important areas for the development of the pedagogical paradigm and to give them characteristics. Secondly, to review and investigate the regulatory document "The National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation" for the period 2000-2015 in order to ensure the continuity of all levels and levels of education. Further, the article raises the question of the inconsistency of the dominant system of planning the educational process in universities, the result of which does not correspond to the practical needs of the labor market. In conclusion, the author talks about the need to observe the continuity of pedagogical scientific traditions and innovations based on proven conceptual approaches and methods of applying pedagogical technologies to specific levels of education.

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