Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the need to develop a system for the implementation of the development strategy of large industrial enterprises. It is proved that the process of strategy implementation requires special specific management skills. The choice of strategy is determined by the market, and implementation-the specifics of the company and the characteristics of managers and the organization of business processes. Thus, successful implementation of the strategy is impossible without quality management, an atmosphere of cooperation and support, corporate support and detailed information on key activities.

industrial enterprise, corporation, enterprise strategies, the mission of the company, the management of the corporation
The article substantiates the need to develop a system for the implementation of the development strategy of large industrial enterprises. It is proved that the process of strategy implementation requires special specific management skills. The choice of strategy is determined by the market, and implementation-the specifics of the company and the characteristics of managers and the organization of business processes. Thus, successful implementation of the strategy is impossible without quality management, an atmosphere of cooperation and support, corporate support and detailed information on key activities.

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