Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the authors justified the importance of investments in health as a component of the human capital as the country as a whole and its individual businesses. The analysis of statistical data allows authors to conclude the trend of deteriorating levels of public health in Russia. In the light of the conclusions of the authors argues for the need to take into account health as the main component of the effectiveness of the Organization, and proved the feasibility of funding organizations complex health-improving activities aimed at disease prevention workers, as well as social benefits, which are related to the treatment of staff.

human capital organization, capital health, social support for workers
In this article the authors justified the importance of investments in health as a component of the human capital as the country as a whole and its individual businesses. The analysis of statistical data allows authors to conclude the trend of deteriorating levels of public health in Russia. In the light of the conclusions of the authors argues for the need to take into account health as the main component of the effectiveness of the Organization, and proved the feasibility of funding organizations complex health-improving activities aimed at disease prevention workers, as well as social benefits, which are related to the treatment of staff.

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