Russian Federation
The article considers the importance of the all-Russian agricultural censuses of 2006 and 2016 for the improvement of the agrarian policy of the country. The role of the all-Russian agricultural census of 2006 in justification of adoption of the State program of development of agriculture of 2008-2012 is noted. Based on the analysis of the main results of the all-Russian agricultural census of 2016 in comparison with the data of the all-Russian agricultural census of 2006, it is concluded that it is advisable to maintain the current format of agricultural policy while improving it in the following main areas: (1) priority support for peasant (farmer) farms and other forms of small and medium-sized businesses; (2) stimulation of innovative development of agriculture; (3) diversification of rural economy and support of regions with unfavorable socio-demographic development.
All-Russian agricultural census, agricultural policy, agricultural organizations, peasant (farmer) farms, individual entrepreneurs, personal subsidiary farms, agricultural potential
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7. Itogi Vserossiyskoy sel'skohozyaystvennoy perepisi 2016 goda: V 8 t./Federal'naya sluzhba gos. statistiki. M.: IIC «Statistika Rossii», 2018. T. 5: Pogolov'e sel'skohozyaystvennyh zhivotnyh: kn. 1.: Pogolov'e sel'skohozyaystvennyh zhivotnyh. Struktura pogolov'ya sel'skohozyaystvennyh zhivotnyh.
8. Itogi Vserossiyskoy sel'skohozyaystvennoy perepisi 2006 goda: V 9 t./Federal'naya sluzhba gos. statistiki. M.: IIC «Statistika Rossii», 2008. T. 2: Chislo ob'ektov Vserossiyskoy sel'skohozyaystvennoy perepisi 2006 goda. Trudovye resursy i ih harakteristika.