Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article, the problem of the development of rural tourism as a promising area of the regional economy is considered. Based on the analysis of infrastructure facilities and tourist and recreational resources of municipal entities of the Omsk region, the territorial localization of the modeled agrarian tourist recreational complex has been determined. The model of the agrarian tourist recreational complex is developed in accordance with the systemic and component approaches; the content of its elements is shown; the infrastructural resource and tourist recreational potential of the agrarian tourist recreational complex are defined.

rural tourism, agrarian tourist recreational complex, tourist and recreational resources
In this article, the problem of the development of rural tourism as a promising area of the regional economy is considered. Based on the analysis of infrastructure facilities and tourist and recreational resources of municipal entities of the Omsk region, the territorial localization of the modeled agrarian tourist recreational complex has been determined. The model of the agrarian tourist recreational complex is developed in accordance with the systemic and component approaches; the content of its elements is shown; the infrastructural resource and tourist recreational potential of the agrarian tourist recreational complex are defined.

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