Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of improving the legislation on specially protected natural territories is actual for many decades. The article presents a brief overview of normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of protection, organization and use of specially protected natural territories. Based on the analysis of the legislative framework highlighted a number of issues which are relevant in the present time. Including in the article the possible solutions presented contradictions associated with the legal regulation of specially protected natural territories.

legislation, specially protected natural territories, categories of specially protected natural territories, therapeutic areas and resorts, national parks, state natural reserves
The problem of improving the legislation on specially protected natural territories is actual for many decades. The article presents a brief overview of normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of protection, organization and use of specially protected natural territories. Based on the analysis of the legislative framework highlighted a number of issues which are relevant in the present time. Including in the article the possible solutions presented contradictions associated with the legal regulation of specially protected natural territories.

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