Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Consumption of alcoholic products in any country has a dual impact on the economic and social sphere. Production of alcoholic products is one of the most successful production industries. At the same time consumption of alcohol is one of the main problems of many countries. Illegal market of alcoholic products yields losses to the budget of the country. In consequence of low-quality products, there is a large number of poisonings and fatal cases. The analysis of the current taxation system, in particular the mechanism of calculation of an excise on alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, will permit to reveal current problems, to sort those measures which allow to increase quality of calculation of excises.

excises on alcohol and alcoholic products, structure of the market of alcoholic products, fullness of the budget, control over the production and turnover of alcohol
Consumption of alcoholic products in any country has a dual impact on the economic and social sphere. Production of alcoholic products is one of the most successful production industries. At the same time consumption of alcohol is one of the main problems of many countries. Illegal market of alcoholic products yields losses to the budget of the country. In consequence of low-quality products, there is a large number of poisonings and fatal cases. The analysis of the current taxation system, in particular the mechanism of calculation of an excise on alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, will permit to reveal current problems, to sort those measures which allow to increase quality of calculation of excises.

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