Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the territory of the Moscow region spruce forests are the zonal type, vegetation dynamics of burned areas depends on fire severity, soil conditions. The change of vegetation in the burned areas treat demutational and anthropogenic changes. Several types of burned areas representing ecological and time series communities form depending of post-fire changes combination of contamination and fire chenging substrate within one type of biogeocenosis. Processes of ecological shift in the burned areas is weaker than in the clearings, there often occurs the recovery of the forest and return the lower tiers of a type similar to the original.

biocenosis, spruce forest, plant associations, post-fire changes
On the territory of the Moscow region spruce forests are the zonal type, vegetation dynamics of burned areas depends on fire severity, soil conditions. The change of vegetation in the burned areas treat demutational and anthropogenic changes. Several types of burned areas representing ecological and time series communities form depending of post-fire changes combination of contamination and fire chenging substrate within one type of biogeocenosis. Processes of ecological shift in the burned areas is weaker than in the clearings, there often occurs the recovery of the forest and return the lower tiers of a type similar to the original.

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