Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article formulates the basic theoretical and methodological provisions on conducting a complex of cadastral works on the example of the Sergiyevo-Posadsky municipal district. Conduct a comprehensive cadastral works can significantly improve the quality of the data contained in the Unified state register of real estate (egrn) by adding information about parcel boundaries, cadastral registration that is carried out It is necessary for the protection of property rights, formation of tax base, improvement of land and property relations and enhance investment attractiveness of regions.

cadastral engineer, registry error, clarification of land plots, land survey plan
The article formulates the basic theoretical and methodological provisions on conducting a complex of cadastral works on the example of the Sergiyevo-Posadsky municipal district. Conduct a comprehensive cadastral works can significantly improve the quality of the data contained in the Unified state register of real estate (egrn) by adding information about parcel boundaries, cadastral registration that is carried out It is necessary for the protection of property rights, formation of tax base, improvement of land and property relations and enhance investment attractiveness of regions.

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