Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the state and development of information support for modern land management and cadastres. The issues of the development of obtaining information for land management and cadastres, the need for information saturation as the transition from the level of the country and the subject of the Federation to specific land uses and land plots are investigated. The authors based on studying the history of information support showed that land management, relying on other research methods, is called upon to mobilize the natural resource potential of the territory to increase the productivity of the land, to stimulate the natural reproduction of environmental elements.

land management, cadastre, information support, mapping, rational use of land
The article considers the state and development of information support for modern land management and cadastres. The issues of the development of obtaining information for land management and cadastres, the need for information saturation as the transition from the level of the country and the subject of the Federation to specific land uses and land plots are investigated. The authors based on studying the history of information support showed that land management, relying on other research methods, is called upon to mobilize the natural resource potential of the territory to increase the productivity of the land, to stimulate the natural reproduction of environmental elements.

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