Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the analysis of economic behavior of Tajiks in the first quarter of the 21st century. Analysis of selected forms of economic behavior and ways in which Tajiks manage resources to meet their basic needs give a clear answer to the question: is the modern Tajik people resourceful or helpless in solving everyday problems. Demonstrated behavior’s observed represent a wide range of passive strategies to search for institutional or informal care on the one hand, and innovative strategies for starting your own business, using different capabilities, dependence on personal effort, entrepreneurship, innovation and knowledge from the other side.

strategy, household, income, expense, budget, behavior, consumption
The article presents the analysis of economic behavior of Tajiks in the first quarter of the 21st century. Analysis of selected forms of economic behavior and ways in which Tajiks manage resources to meet their basic needs give a clear answer to the question: is the modern Tajik people resourceful or helpless in solving everyday problems. Demonstrated behavior’s observed represent a wide range of passive strategies to search for institutional or informal care on the one hand, and innovative strategies for starting your own business, using different capabilities, dependence on personal effort, entrepreneurship, innovation and knowledge from the other side.

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