Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the heart of economic security, both the state, and the population, there is a stability of the food sphere that demands carrying out continuous monitoring of her state. The role and the place of food security within economic security is defined. The research of the main techniques of assessment of food security within the analysis of economic security of the region is conducted. The conclusion is drawn that the majority of techniques of assessment of economic security don't mean assessment of certain spheres of economy, in particular the food sphere that complicates identification of the main threats of economic security of the state and region.

economic security, food security, assessment technique, integrated indicator, threshold value, self-reliance of regions
At the heart of economic security, both the state, and the population, there is a stability of the food sphere that demands carrying out continuous monitoring of her state. The role and the place of food security within economic security is defined. The research of the main techniques of assessment of food security within the analysis of economic security of the region is conducted. The conclusion is drawn that the majority of techniques of assessment of economic security don't mean assessment of certain spheres of economy, in particular the food sphere that complicates identification of the main threats of economic security of the state and region.

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