Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article was analyzed the state of science and education in the Russian Federation. Main problems and prospects of development of Russian education were identified and prospects of development of public-private partnership were evaluated in the field of education. Also data was analyzed and that was received on the on the results of the sociological survey among 211 experts. The main method of research consisted of empirical analysis that was based on online survey of experts in the field of education.

expert review, science and education, program of «Development of education on 2016-2020 years», survey of experts
In this article was analyzed the state of science and education in the Russian Federation. Main problems and prospects of development of Russian education were identified and prospects of development of public-private partnership were evaluated in the field of education. Also data was analyzed and that was received on the on the results of the sociological survey among 211 experts. The main method of research consisted of empirical analysis that was based on online survey of experts in the field of education.

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