Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Discusses the current state of use of agricultural land in the Moscow region. Is a grouping of the agricultural land in the territorial areas and the Moscow region, lukhovitsky area. Analyzed target program «Development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food in Moscow region for 2013-2020». Calculation of the value of agricultural production obtained by improving the structure of sown areas.

Moscow region, agricultural land, efficient use of land, zoning, Lukhovitsy district, territorial zones, the yield, target program
Discusses the current state of use of agricultural land in the Moscow region. Is a grouping of the agricultural land in the territorial areas and the Moscow region, lukhovitsky area. Analyzed target program «Development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food in Moscow region for 2013-2020». Calculation of the value of agricultural production obtained by improving the structure of sown areas.

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