Russian Federation
In this article we would like to consider synergetic from the point of view of the extra linguistics, examples to prove that, for example, Russian is now under the strongest influence of English loans, and the synergetic guards the language. The synergetic helps to protect the real language, but not his fake and as we consider, acts as the «hospital attendant» of the language. The difficult, dynamic, self-organized system is also a language. The linguistic synergetic actively becomes current, but it is still new, formed before our eyes paradigm of knowledge of language as human, biopsychic, social, cognitive and cultural phenomenon. Its central concepts - is an information and the organization, including self-organization, development and self-development. The linguistic synergetic has the following properties: 1) systems have to be open, that is interaction with the environment is necessary; 2) nonlinearity of system - ambivalence of an object, a possibility of unexpected changes; 3) an attractor - rather steady condition of system; 4) bifurcation - accounting of points of branching of ways of development of system.
synergetic, linguistics, chaos, order, system, language
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