Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
During the work was the analysis of the cost structure of enterprises by main types of products. The analysis considered such factors as type of products, unit cost of products, quantity of manufactured products. The analysis had identified ways to reduce cost using importozameschenie in part of components of each product. As was the calculation of the economic effect from implementation of the proposed activities. The obtained results are theoretically significant for the enterprises of electronic industry, as they reflect the perspectives of reducing costs included in cost of goods organizations for the expense of buying foreign components and their integration in the products manufactured by the company. The obtained results can be used for the evaluation of the cost structure of the enterprise, as well as analyzing ways to reduce the cost of production.

cost, cost reduction, import substitution
During the work was the analysis of the cost structure of enterprises by main types of products. The analysis considered such factors as type of products, unit cost of products, quantity of manufactured products. The analysis had identified ways to reduce cost using importozameschenie in part of components of each product. As was the calculation of the economic effect from implementation of the proposed activities. The obtained results are theoretically significant for the enterprises of electronic industry, as they reflect the perspectives of reducing costs included in cost of goods organizations for the expense of buying foreign components and their integration in the products manufactured by the company. The obtained results can be used for the evaluation of the cost structure of the enterprise, as well as analyzing ways to reduce the cost of production.

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