Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper shows theoretic aspects and features of microeconomic dynamics where the study subject is the economic imbalance and the main category is changing. The author specifies objective and subjective principles that determine persistent changes in relation between economic elements and their links. The attention is paid to entrepreneur-manufacturer’s reasons and behavior predetermined by the relations formed in the market depending on the company potential to influence the goods market (as well as due to increasing production volume that is limited with demand and basic capital dimension). The research is aimed at establishing tendencies of changing in economic elements relations when the basic funds of food industry enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex increase. The author gives and proves the idea that the main dynamic factors of economic imbalance in food industry enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex under imperfect competition are accumulation and marginal efficiency of basic funds. The author offers methods to define the marginal efficiency of the basic funds at the microeconomic level. It is stated that basic funds growth rate and their marginal efficiency have wavelike revertible character and microeconomic dynamics cycle is related to a fluctuation mechanism of the capital productivity. Research results can be used while developing regional sectorial and corporate economic plans in the agro-industrial complex.

food industry, economic imbalance, microeconomic dynamics, price, basic funds, capital accumulation, reversible and irreversible changes, marginal use costs, marginal total income, marginal efficiency of basic funds
The paper shows theoretic aspects and features of microeconomic dynamics where the study subject is the economic imbalance and the main category is changing. The author specifies objective and subjective principles that determine persistent changes in relation between economic elements and their links. The attention is paid to entrepreneur-manufacturer’s reasons and behavior predetermined by the relations formed in the market depending on the company potential to influence the goods market (as well as due to increasing production volume that is limited with demand and basic capital dimension). The research is aimed at establishing tendencies of changing in economic elements relations when the basic funds of food industry enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex increase. The author gives and proves the idea that the main dynamic factors of economic imbalance in food industry enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex under imperfect competition are accumulation and marginal efficiency of basic funds. The author offers methods to define the marginal efficiency of the basic funds at the microeconomic level. It is stated that basic funds growth rate and their marginal efficiency have wavelike revertible character and microeconomic dynamics cycle is related to a fluctuation mechanism of the capital productivity. Research results can be used while developing regional sectorial and corporate economic plans in the agro-industrial complex.

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